NSW SES Manly Unit

Official presence of the NSW SES Manly Unit.
To report a life threatening emergency ring 000.
For SES emergency assistance call 132 500.

The State Emergency Services (as it was then known) was formed in April 1955, following disastrous floods across NSW that had caused substantial loss of life and massive damage to property. The government of the day recognised the need for a body of trained and disciplined volunteers with good local knowledge who would be available at short notice to help the community during such disasters.

Later the same year, in view of the tense world situation at the time, the government decided there was a need for a civil defence organisation in the event of a nuclear attack. In September 1955, the two organisations merged under the leadership of Major General (later Sir) Ivan Dougherty. The new organisation was known as Civil Defence.

In 1972, the State Emergency Services and Civil Defence Act was passed by Parliament. This Act remained in force until 1989, when it was replaced by the State Emergency Service Act.

Currently the State Emergency Service is the most versatile and widely used rescue and public safety organisation in New South Wales.

The units comprise of approximately 10,000 volunteer members, who are easily identified by their distinctive orange overalls. Service to the communities of the state are provided from 229 fully volunteer units which operate at the local level.

Every council area in New South Wales has an SES presence, and some of the more populous council areas have units with more than 100 SES volunteers. Most council areas have a single SES unit which is led by a Local Controller, but some council areas have two or more units each of which is led by a Unit Controller.

This account has been established by the NSW State Emergency Service - Manly Unit and is not monitored or updated all the time. Not all comments will be replied to.

To report a life threatening emergency ring 000.
To request NSW SES emergency assistance call 132 500.

For general enquiries to the Manly Unit call (02) 9949-7466 (24 hour diverts to pager).

The opinions expressed by the contributors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the policies, regulations, or opinions of NSW SES or any employee thereof. NSW State Emergency Service is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the contributors.

Non-profit organization